Jacques Hnizdovsky (Ukrainian-Amer. 1915-1985)
Medium: woodcut Date: 1971 Title: Duck
Sold in 2015 |
Yaacov Agam (Israeli, 1928-present)
Medium: colour silkscreen Edition number: 66/99 Image size: 24" x 27 1/2"
Sold in 2015
Zao Wou Ki (Chinese, 1921-2013)
Medium: colour lithograph Date: 1953 Title: Les Petits Bateaux
Sold in 2013
Luigi Kasimir (Austrian, 1881-1962)
Medium: colour etching Image size: 15 1/2" x 12" Title: New York Bowling Green
Sold in 2016
Salvador Dali (Spanish, 1904-1989)
Medium: colour etching Title: The Kiss Date: 1971 Song of Songs portfolio
Sold in 2013
René Carcan (Belgian, 1925-1993)
Medium: Aquatint etching Title: Le Vent dans la Plaine Image size: 14" x 11"
Sold in 2013
Ossip Zadkine (Russian-French, 1890-1967)
Medium: colour lithograph Title: Praying Mantis Image size: 22 3/4" x 17"
Sold in 2013
Robert Indiana (American, 1928-present)
Medium: colour silkscreen Date: 1967 Printer: Michael Knigin
Sold in 2016
Jacques Hnizdovsky (Ukrainian-Amer. 1915-1985)
Medium: colour woodcut Date: 1978 Title: Pears
Sold in 2020
Sabra Field (American, 1935-present)
Medium: colour woodcut Image size: 10" x 14 1/2" Title: Apple Tree Spring
Sold in 2020
Felix Buhot (French, 1847-1898)
Medium: aquatint etching Date: 1879 Title: L'Hiver a Paris
Sold in 2020
Warrington Colescott (American, 1921-2018)
Medium: colour etching Date: 1960 Title: Last Look
Sold in 2020
Lovis Corinth (German, 1858-1925)
Medium: drypoint etching Date: circa 1912 Image size: 9 1/2" x 7 3/4"
Sold in 2020
Anders Zorn (Swedish, 1860-1920)
Medium: etching Image size: 7 7/8" x 5 7/8" Title: Gulli II
Sold in 2020
Frank Lobdell (American, 1921-2013)
Medium: lithograph Image size: 17 1/4" x 12 3/4" Sheet size: 22" x 15"
Sold in 2020
Leonard Pytlak (American, 1910-1998)
Medium: colour silkscreen Image size: 6" x 8 3/8" Printed as a card
Sold in 2020